There is always the opportunity to do something good for someone. Sometimes you feel like you are running out of options but there are ways you can help people that are not well known.
Many people do not know that hair can help another person but it truly does. There are many circumstances where a person may lose their hair or cannot grow hair. Diseases such as cancer may require treatments that cause the hair to fall out. Alopecia is an immune system illness that causes hair loss. Something a seemingly simple as poor nutrition due to illness is a common cause of hair loss. The affect on a child's self esteem and daily life can be overpowering. Imagine how hard it would be for a child suffering from no hair growth or sudden hair loss. For children under the age of 18 there is hope for a better day.
Wigs4Kids has made an effort to support children's self-image by donating wigs to them to improve their lifestyle. Founded by a licensed cosmetologist, Maggie Varney, Wigs4Kids customizes every wig to a child's personal request and improves their lifestyle with the image they bring into the world. These children are given the gift of being more accepted by their peers and are able to find better ways to fit into a society that doesn't always understand hairlessness.
Suffering from a disease is hard enough for the children who are candidates for a wig that this Wigs4Kids provides. Just one of these hair pieces can cost up to $3,000, making it a very pricey purchase for kids whose parents can't afford wigs for their kids. Cancer patients have it harder since their medical treatments can be even more expensive, making the purchase of a wig even more of an uphill battle.
Your hair can make a difference. With LeeAnne Thrasher of My Hair Gal, you can leave your hair donation for these kids that need it. Our salon is open to your +10” hair donation. Book your appointment today and, while getting a much-deserved makeover, help a child go through their condition with ease. Donate your hair now for Wigs4Kids with LeeAnne Thrasher of My Hair Gal.
“LeeAnne is the best, Guys get a hair cut and shampoo!!
Once you get you hair cut by Lee Anne you always come back.”